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TPM (Trusted Platform Module) is a technology related to the security of using hardware chips. The Ei series runs in IoT applications, so safety is particularly important.
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Edge Intelligence System Powered By WISE-DeviceOn
  1. Integrated hardware plus software to build up edge-to-cloud applications
  2. Powered by WISE-DeviceOn for IoT device remote and operation management
  3. Pre-configured system: Intel® Celeron® N3350 dual core, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise, 4G DDR3L memory and 64G SSD
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EIS-D150 with WISE-DeviceOn EI system
  1. Integrated hardware and software aids edge-to-cloud application development
  2. Preconfigured system: High-performance computing powered by 6th Generation Intel® Core™ U-series i5, WES7E/Win 10 with 4 GB RAM, 64 GB SSD
  3. Pre-integrated WISE-PaaS software package: WISE-DeviceOn, WebAccess/SCADA
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EI-A230 - Advantech Edge Cloud Solution
  1. Integrated hardware plus software for back-end data service and light private cloud
  2. Pre-configured system: Intel Xeon, Ubuntu OS with 32GB RAM/ 512GB mSATA SSD
  3. Open and Standard structure: kubernetes Built-in, Multiple DB Connections, On-demand Microservices
  4. Integrated IoT Software: Private Cloud Deployment, Platform Management, Application Integration
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Industrial Raspberry Pi 4 Gateway Kit with 1 x RS-232/485, 4 x GPIO, 8 GB SD Card, and AdvRaspbian OS
  1. Automation kit featuring an industrial-grade I/O board for creating RPi-based IoT systems
  2. Industrial grade I/O board utilizing RS-232/485 and GPIO for flexible expansion
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