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Designed for customers that use Raspberry Pi single board computers (SBCs) for developing unique IoT applications, Advantech's Ei-U220 is an affordable industrial-grade chassis featuring a micro SD card with OS image and Raspberry Pi HAT I/O board for convenient installation. With plug-and-play support for RPi 4, Ei-U220 provides the ideal Raspberry Pi-ready solution for rapid prototyping and mass deployment.
The Raspberry Pi HAT I/O board offers four additional GPIO and one RS-232/485 serial port for integrating external sensors, devices, or controllers for flexible expansion.
The Ei-U220 chassis is preloaded with the open-source Raspbian® OS and related application software for easy integration and deployment.
The inclusion of an RTC chip with battery ensures the configuration and time settings are retained even when the system is powered off, making it suitable for industrial applications.
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