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M12 (EN50155) Switches

Advantech’s EN50155 Ethernet Switches have passed EN50155 certification which enables them to withstand severe shock and vibration, therefore ensuring reliable transmission for carriage Ethernet backbone communication in rolling stock or moving vehicles. With M12 connector, Advantech’s EN50155 certified switches secure highly reliable connectivity for railway applications. Our EN50155 Industrial Ethernet Switches are designed for many applications in rolling stock or moving vehicles such as video surveillance systems and carriage status monitors, seatback entertainment systems on high speed rail, subways, trams, or buses.
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16GE Ind. Switch with Modbus TCP/IP, W/T.
  1. Entry-level managed switch
  2. Provides wide operating voltage 8.4~52.8 VDC
  3. C1D2 and ATEX certified for horizontal area
  4. IXM function enables fast deployment
  5. Modbus/TCP enabled by default
  6. Supports X-Ring for ultra high-speed recovery time less than 20m
  7. Visit IoTMart @
  8. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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8GE Ind. Switch with Modbus TCP/IP, W/T.
  1. Entry-level managed switch
  2. Provides wide operating voltage 8.4~52.8 VDC
  3. C1D2 and ATEX certified for horizontal area
  4. IXM function enables fast deployment
  5. Modbus/TCP enabled by default
  6. Supports X-Ring for ultra high-speed recovery time less than 20m
  7. Visit IoTMart @
  8. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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8GE+2G Ind. Switch with Modbus TCP/IP, W/T.
  1. Entry-level managed switch
  2. Provides wide operating voltage 8.4~52.8 VDC
  3. C1D2 and ATEX certified for horizontal area
  4. IXM function enables fast deployment
  5. Modbus/TCP enabled by default
  6. Supports X-Ring for ultra high-speed recovery time less than 20m
  7. Visit IoTMart @
  8. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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