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Mode Converters

Mode Converters
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IE-ModeConverter, SFP/SFP
  1. Metal enclosure with compact size
  2. Industrial grade design that supports extended operating temperature(IMC-370I series)
  3. Provides status LED
  4. Supports multiple power options: AC or DC adapter and dual USB cable
  5. Supports Link Fault Pass Through (LFPT) (IMC-370I-SFP)
  6. Centralized powered IMC-318I chassis
  7. Visit IoTMart @
  8. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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IE-ModeConverter, SFP/SFP
  1. Metal enclosure with compact size
  2. Industrial grade design that supports extended operating temperature(IMC-370I series)
  3. Provides status LED
  4. Supports multiple power options: AC or DC adapter and dual USB cable
  5. Supports Link Fault Pass Through (LFPT) (IMC-370I-SFP)
  6. Centralized powered IMC-318I chassis
  7. Visit IoTMart @
  8. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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