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WISE I/O and Couplers

The Advantech WISE-54XX series are expansion modules for WISE-5580, targeted at increasing the communication capability of CPU modules.
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WISE-4600 RTD Module
  1. 4 RTD Channels
  2. Both PT100 and PT1000 supports
  3. Modular IoT I/O module to pair with WISE-4600 series
  4. M12 Connectors
  5. Visit IoTMart @
  6. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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WISE-4600 RTD Module/Terminal Block
  1. 4 RTD Channels
  2. Both PT100 and PT1000 supports
  3. Modular IoT I/O module to pair with WISE-4600 series
  4. Visit IoTMart @
  5. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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