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Ethernet I/O Modules

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4-ch CI 4-ch DO IoT Ethernet I/O Module
  1. Supported protocols: Modbus/TCP, TCP/IP, UDP, DHCP, HTTP, MQTT
  2. Supports RESTful web API in JSON format
  3. Supports local logging with RTC time stamp
  4. Supports mobile device web configuration in HTML5
  5. Supports 10~30 VDC power with reverse protection
  6. Visit IoTMart @
  7. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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4-ch DI and 4-ch DO IoT Ethernet I/O Module
  1. Supported protocols: Modbus/TCP, TCP/IP, UDP, DHCP, HTTP, MQTT
  2. Supports RESTful web API in JSON format
  3. Supports local logging with RTC time stamp
  4. Supports mobile device web configuration in HTML5
  5. Supports 10~30VDC power with reverse protection
  6. Visit IoTMart @
  7. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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4-ch DI and 4-ch Relay IoT Ethernet I/O Module
  1. Supported protocols: Modbus/TCP, TCP/IP, UDP, DHCP, HTTP, MQTT
  2. Supports RESTful web API in JSON format, local logging with RTC time stamp, mobile device web configuration in HTML5 and 10~30 VDC power with reverse protection
  3. Visit IoTMart @
  4. Contact our local sales for any clarification
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